Musings 69--Delaying Delay...
If you look back to my Musings 28, you will see that I said that Texas DA Ronnie Earle would take down Congressman Tom Delay if he found enough evidence. Well, apparently he has that evidence. (See link.)
Frankly, I am amazed that it has taken this long to bring Delay, the former pest control guy, up on charges. He has skirted around judgment by the House Ethics Committee on at least three occasions and has been warned numerous times about his shady dealings.
Delay is making his rounds saying that he is the victim of a witch hunt. He was on Wolf Blitzer's Sunday show on CNN throwing around loose talk about conspiracies. When asked by Wolf what proof he had he backpedaled into a wall. He said he would make that information known when it was "timely." He kind of reminded me of one the pests that he used to kill--you know the ones that hate going doing on sinking ships.
A second indictment was given out today by a different Texas grand jury. The charge is money laundering. Methinks that Delay should consider whipping out that "timely" information. If Delay delays much longer, he will be a gone goose for sure.
The House picks new leaders in January. If Delay can't make this go away, then he and Newt Gingrich can hold hands at the Has-Been's Club. That would only leave Dr. Frist and his stock deals to worry about. Yipee...get along little doggies!
The first lady, Laura Bush, once made the statement that "you don't mess with Texas." Well, I think she was right. Ronnie Earle looks like a distinguished Texas Ranger, and we know you don't mess with the Texas Rangers. Chuck Norris made sure of that.
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