Thursday, May 31, 2007

Musings 194--The Bush Legacy

George W. Bush will have quite a legacy in Iraq. Here are a few of the more recent witty cartoons from

Have you seen the new "Pirates" poster?

And last but not least:

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Musings 193--The truth finally comes out!

Some of us knew that Bush jr. never really intended to ever leave the middle east. Leaving a small footprint was just so much bologna. It was what the pundits said to make us all feel better. Well, now even Bush jr, is admitting that we will never leave Iraq. (See link)

I guess when you are a lame duck president you can finally get around to telling the American people the truth. Bush jr. and his buddies wanted a permanent presence in the middle east, and now we have it. No wonder the president is not for timelines. A timeline means that you are leaving. We are there forever.

According to the above link: White House spokesman Tony Snow said Bush would like to see a U.S. role in Iraq ultimately similar to that in South Korea in which "you get to a point in the future where you want it to be a purely support model."

"The Korean model is one in which the United States provides a security presence, but you've had the development of a successful democracy in South Korea over a period of years, and, therefore, the United States is there as a force of stability," Snow told reporters.

For more than 50 years we have had a military presence on the Korean peninsula. About 35,000 troops have been locked in there since the end of the Korean War. They aren't coming home any time soon; even though the Korean's are totally self-sufficient. Iraq will be the same only bloodier.

Bush jr. needs to be impeached for not leveling with the American people. It was his and his neo-cons buddies' plan all along to control the oil fields of Iraq. Bush jr. has given the United States the start of an imperial presidency. The war in Iraq has ended and the occupation has started in earnest. So the truth has finally come out. We might be out of Iraq in 50 or 75 years...or never.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Musings 192--Bush kicks democrat's asses...

The dems all thought that the winning of the majority of congress in both houses would make the President sit up and take notice. Well, that is just not the case, and the democrats better learn to bluff better if they do not want to get their asses kicked--continuously-- by the Decider-in-Chief.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid definitely acted like they had never played poker in their lives. They were bluffing when they said that they were not going to give the president his $100+ billion to maintain the troops. They said they wanted pull-out dates. Bushie said "nope" by vetoing the bill. They then had to show their cards, and they didn't even have a pair of deuces. Bush is from Texas. They all play Hold'em down there. Bush's hand was weak, but it was by far better than the democrats.

The democrats, which should now be called the scary-crats, say they have benchmarks in the new version of the bill. Benchmarks that Bushie can disregard, if he feels like it. Wow! Ante up, I want to play.

It would have all just seemed like business as usual except that it is costing us lives. The Democratic Party is going to have to learn hardball tactics. They should have taken the same bill and sent it right back to Bush. He would have vetoed it. He'd of whined and cried about the troops. The democrats should have sighed and sent it back a third time. He may or may not have vetoed it a third time due to time running out for previous funding. Basically, it would have been up to the Decider to veto the bill and cut off the funding. I mean, if he loves the troops, he wouldn't have done it. If, as I suspect, he doesn't give a good shit about the troops; then, he would have vetoed it and let the funding lapse. The troops would have had to start coming out of Iraq. Thus, the dems could have claimed victory and blamed it on the President.

The democrats just do not have the stomach for facing down Bushie. He keeps saying it is all their fault for everything that is bad in the world since the dawn of time. They, by not moving all their chips in, allow him to do so. Hold'em is not a game for the weak of heart. Bush may be a lot of things, but he is not short on stubbornness. What little heart he has is definitely not weak.

"We got to fund our troops," whined the democrats as they lost the game. There would not have been one death due to lack of funds. Congress can pass a stopgap measure over night. Hell, they did it for a comatose, brain-dead woman in Florida. Doing it for the troops would have been easy.

* * * * * *

Hey, I haven't posted for awhile. I hope that I am back. Sometimes things make you too angry to write about them. I think I'm better now...maybe!

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