Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Musings 56--Short, sad statistics!

I don't have much to say today about the Supreme Court nomination. I'm adopting a wait and see policy on that. However, I was surfing the web and found the following stats on the war in Iraq. (See link).

--1,758 American troops dead in Iraq

--93 UK troops dead in Iraq

--101 "Other" coalition troops dead in Iraq

--1,963 Coalition dead in Iraq (as of July 12th)

--13,438 Coalition wounded

--25,000 Iraqi civilian dead

--42,500 Iraqi civilian wounded

Plus, 9/11 murderer Mohamed Atta's daddy is predicting a 50 year war that his hero son started. The apple did not fall far from that crazy tree. (See Link).

I'm depressed. I think I'll go outside and scream.


At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work! |


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